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Grey Color Code

What color is Grey

Grey colors are displayed using an equal amount of power to all of the light sources

Grey CMYK color code

Grey CMYK color code = #808080 = (0, 0, 0, 49.8)


#808080 hex color has the CMYK values of (0, 0, 0, 49.8)

Grey color codes chart

 African Grey#939899
 Agate Grey#acaa99
 Aged Moustache Grey#7e7e7e
 Agreeable Grey#d1cbc1
 Aircraft Exterior Grey#939498
 Alaskan Grey#bcbebc
 Alienator Grey#9790a4
 Aloof Grey#c9c9c0
 Alpine Duck Grey#40464d
 Amazing Grey#beb5a9
 Amber Grey#d0a592
 Amethyst Grey#9085c4
 Analytical Grey#bfb6a7
 Anchor Grey#596062
 Anew Grey#beb6ab
 Angélique Grey#d8dee7
 Anthracite Grey#373f42
 Anti Rainbow Grey#bebdbc
 Antique Grey#69576d
 Aqua Grey#889fa5
 Aragonite Grey#948e96
 Architecture Grey#6b6a69
 Arctic Grey#bbccdd
 Ash Grey#c1b5a9
 Ashlin Grey#d2d9da
 Asphalt Grey#5e5e5d
 Astoria Grey#7e7565
 Astronomicon Grey#6b7c85
 Astroscopus Grey#afb4b6
 Athens Grey#dcdddd
 Attitude Grey#7c7d75
 Aubergine Grey#6e5861
 Aurora Grey#d3c5c4
 Austere Grey#bebfb2
 Autumn Grey#b2aba7
 Baby Talk Grey#bababa
 Barnwood Grey#9e9589
 Baroque Grey#5f5d64
 Bastion Grey#4d4a4a
 Battleship Grey#6f7476
 Bermuda Grey#6b8ba2
 Bird Blue Grey#7f92a0
 Black Grey#24272e
 Blackish Grey#5b5c61
 Bleached Grey#788878
 Blue Grey#758da3
 Bluish Grey#748b97
 Bokara Grey#2a2725
 Brainstem Grey#b5b5b5
 Brampton Grey#9ba29d
 Bridge Troll Grey#817f6e
 Bright Grey#ebecf0
 Briquette Grey#515051
 Brown Grey#8d8468
 Brownish Grey#86775f
 Burgundy Grey#dadba0
 Burlap Grey#81717e
 Bushland Grey#7f7b73
 Cadet Grey#91a3b0
 Canadian Voodoo Grey#b8b7a3
 Cannon Grey#646c64
 Castor Grey#676a64
 Casual Grey#a09d98
 Cathedral Grey#aba9a7
 Cautious Grey#dfd8d9
 Celestra Grey#99a7ab
 Celtic Grey#c5d4ce
 Cerebellum Grey#cccbcd
 Cerebral Grey#cccccc
 Ceremonial Grey#91998e
 Chain Gang Grey#708090
 Charcoal Grey#6e6969
 Chateau Grey#bbb1a8
 Chelsea Grey#b6b7b0
 Chic Grey#cfccc5
 Chinchilla Grey#7f746e
 Chupacabra Grey#cfcdcf
 Classic French Grey#888782
 Classic Grey#a39d93
 Cloak Grey#605e63
 Cloud Grey#b8a9af
 Cloudy Grey#ece3e1
 Club Grey#464159
 Cod Grey#2d3032
 Codex Grey#9c9c9c
 Cold Grey#9f9f9f
 Colonnade Grey#b2b1ad
 Comfort Grey#bec3bb
 Comforting Grey#c5c3b4
 Compact Disc Grey#cdcdcd
 Complex Grey#847975
 Connected Grey#898473
 Conservative Grey#d1d0c6
 Cool Grey#8c93ad
 Cotton Grey#d1ccc3
 Crystal Grey#cfc1b8
 Cumberland Grey#68655d
 Dapple Grey#959486
 Dark Grey#363737
 Dark Purple Grey#6e576b
 Dark Slate Grey#2f4f4f
 Davy’s Grey#535554
 Dawn Grey#6d7273
 Deco Grey#89978e
 Deep Sea Grey#879294
 Desert Grey#b8a487
 Destroyer Grey#98968d
 Dhūsar Grey#aaaaaa
 Diamond Grey#3e474b
 Dim Grey#696969
 Doeskin Grey#ccc3ba
 Dolphin Grey#9a9997
 Dominant Grey#5a5651
 Dorian Grey#aca79e
 Dove Grey#6d6c6c
 Dover Grey#848585
 Downtown Grey#adaaa2
 Dreamscape Grey#c6c5c5
 Duct Tape Grey#aeacac
 Dusty Grey#cdccd0
 Earl Grey#a6978a
 Elderberry Grey#aea8b0
 Elemental Grey#a0a09f
 Elephant Grey#95918c
 Ellie Grey#aaa9a4
 Empire State Grey#d9dbdf
 Escape Grey#abac9f
 Eshin Grey#4a4f52
 Essential Grey#bcb8b6
 Explosive Grey#c4c4c4
 Eye Grey#607b7b
 Faded Grey#eae8e4
 Fairfax Grey#c9d3d7
 Falcon Grey#898887
 Fallout Grey#889977
 Fantasy Grey#8591a2
 Far Away Grey#2d383a
 Fashion Grey#a29c94
 Fashionable Grey#bdb8b8
 Feather Grey#b8ad9e
 Feldspar Grey#bca885
 Fenrisian Grey#cedee7
 Fiftieth Shade of Grey#505050
 Flannel Grey#aeadac
 Flax Fibre Grey#b7a99a
 Flexible Grey#b1a3a1
 Flint Grey#a09c98
 Florida Grey#bea4a2
 Foggy Grey#a7a69d
 Folkstone Grey#626879
 Formal Grey#97969a
 Fortress Grey#b8b8b8
 French Grey#bfbdc1
 Friar Grey#807e79
 Frost Grey#7f7d7e
 Full Moon Grey#cfeae9
 Functional Grey#aba39a
 Fuscous Grey#54534d
 Gallery Grey#c5c2be
 Garrison Grey#7b8588
 Gateway Grey#a0a09c
 Gauntlet Grey#78736e
 Gazebo Grey#d1d0cb
 German Grey#53504e
 Gettysburg Grey#c7c1b7
 Ghost Grey#9c9b98
 Ghostly Grey#ccccd3
 Gibraltar Grey#6f6a68
 Gilneas Grey#6c8396
 Glacier Grey#bbbcbd
 Gladiator Grey#6e6c5e
 Glistening Grey#b1b3be
 Gluon Grey#1a1b1c
 Go To Grey#dcd8d7
 Going Grey#83807a
 Goose Wing Grey#a89dac
 Goshawk Grey#444444
 Gotham Grey#8a9192
 Graceful Grey#beb6ac
 Granite Grey#6b6869
 Grant Grey#918f8a
 Grape Grey#6d6166
 Greasy Grey#838583
 Great Coat Grey#7f8488
 Green Grey#7ea07a
 Greenish Grey#96ae8d
 Grim Grey#e3dcd6
 Grizzle Grey#636562
 Gropius Grey#63615d
 Guild Grey#d2d1cb
 Gull Grey#a4adb0
 Gunmetal Grey#808c8c
 Hailstorm Grey#bdbeb9
 Harbour Grey#a8c0bb
 Harbour Mist Grey#778071
 Harrison Grey#989b9e
 Hatoba-Nezumi Grey#9e8b8e
 Hatteras Grey#929e9d
 Hawk Grey#77757d
 Heath Grey#c9cbc2
 Heather Grey#9c9da4
 Heather Red Grey#988e94
 Heathered Grey#b6b095
 Heavy Blue Grey#9fabaf
 Heavy Grey#82868a
 Heavy Warm Grey#bdb3a7
 Heliotrope Grey#ab98a9
 Historical Grey#a7a699
 Hit Grey#a1adb5
 Holbein Blue Grey#547d86
 Homburg Grey#666d69
 Horizon Grey#9ca9aa
 House Stark Grey#4d495b
 Hūi Sè Grey#c1c6d3
 Hush Grey#e1ded8
 Hypothalamus Grey#415d66
 Ice Blue Grey#717787
 Ice Grey#cac7c4
 Imperial Grey#676a6a
 Industrial Grey#5b5a57
 Intellectual Grey#a8a093
 Intercoastal Grey#a8b5bc
 Intrepid Grey#e0e2e0
 Inverness Grey#dce3e2
 Iron Grey#7c7f7c
 Ironside Grey#706e66
 Jabłoński Grey#536871
 Jet Grey#9d9a9a
 Jubilee Grey#7c7379
 Judge Grey#5d5346
 Kamenozoki Grey#c6c2b6
 Keystone Grey#b6bbb2
 Kimono Grey#3d4c51
 Kingfisher Grey#7e969f
 Kiwikiwi Grey#909495
 Laid Back Grey#b3afa7
 Laurel Grey#aaaca2
 Lava Grey#5e686d
 Lavender Blossom Grey#8c8da1
 Lavender Grey#bdbbd7
 Lazy Grey#bec1c3
 Lead Grey#8a7963
 Legendary Grey#787976
 Letter Grey#8f8f8b
 Liberty Bell Grey#696b6d
 Liberty Grey#afbfc9
 Lich Grey#a9a694
 Light Blue Grey#b7c9e2
 Light French Grey#c9cfcc
 Light Grey#d8dcd6
 Lilac Grey#8d8b9a
 Linen Grey#466163
 Link Grey#7f7e72
 London Grey#666677
 Longbeard Grey#ceceaf
 Lost Soul Grey#929591
 Lucky Grey#777777
 Lupin Grey#d1e0e9
 Magnetic Grey#838789
 Marble Green-Grey#85928f
 Marine Grey#a5b2aa
 Matte Grey#b4a8a4
 Mecha Grey#8d847f
 Mechanicus Standard Grey#3d4b4d
 Medium Grey#7d7f7c
 Medium Gunship Grey#3f4952
 Metal Grey#677986
 Micaceous Light Grey#cdc7bd
 Mid Grey#5f5f6e
 Midnight Grey#666a6d
 Million Grey#999999
 Mindful Grey#bdb5ad
 Mineral Grey#b2b6ac
 Minimal Grey#948d99
 Mirage Grey#abafae
 Mist Grey#c4c4bc
 Modern Grey#d5cec2
 Mohair Soft Blue Grey#97b2b7
 Mole Grey#938f8a
 Monument Grey#7a807a
 Moor Oak Grey#6a584d
 Morning Mist Grey#ada7b9
 Morris Room Grey#ada193
 Mortar Grey#9e9f9e
 Moss Grey#afab97
 Moth Grey#dad3cb
 Mountain Grey#e8e3db
 Namara Grey#7b7c7d
 Narwhal Grey#080813
 Natural Grey#c4c0bb
 Natural Silk Grey#d3c5c0
 Naturalist Grey#8b8c83
 Neo Tokyo Grey#bec0c2
 Network Grey#a0a5a7
 Neutral Grey#8e918f
 Night Grey#45444d
 Night Gull Grey#615d5c
 Nightingale Grey#baaea3
 Noble Grey#c1beb9
 Nomad Grey#7e736f
 Non Skid Grey#8a8daa
 North Cape Grey#7a9595
 North Grey#6a7777
 Northern Light Grey#a7aeb4
 Odyssey Grey#4c4e5d
 Office Grey#635d54
 Olive Grey#afa78d
 Olivine Grey#928e7c
 Ombre Grey#848998
 Opal Grey#9a9394
 Orchid Grey#5e5871
 Orion Grey#535558
 Oslo Grey#878d91
 Overdue Grey#c7c3be
 Oyster Grey#cbc1ae
 Pale Blue Grey#a2adb1
 Pale Green Grey#96907e
 Pale Grey#fdfdfe
 Pandora Grey#e3d4cf
 Parma Grey#806e85
 Partridge Grey#919098
 Pastel Grey#cfcfc4
 Payne’s Grey#536878
 Pearl Grey#cbcec5
 Periwinkle Grey#c3cde6
 Petrel Blue Grey#a0aebc
 Pewter Grey#a7a19e
 Photo Grey#aead96
 Piccadilly Grey#625d5d
 Pied Wagtail Grey#bebdc2
 Pigeon Grey#c1b4a0
 Pinkish Grey#c8aca9
 Platinum Grey#6a6d6f
 Play on Grey#bab6a9
 Plover Grey#8f8373
 Plymouth Grey#b0b1ac
 Power Grey#a2a4a6
 Prince Grey#a0adac
 Proper Grey#ada8a5
 Pumice Grey#807375
 Puritan Grey#a8b0ae
 Purple Grey#866f85
 Purplish Grey#7a687f
 Pussywillow Grey#a2a193
 Putty Grey#bda89c
 Qiān Hūi Grey#89a0b0
 Quest Grey#ada5a5
 Quiet Grey#b9babd
 Quill Grey#cbc9c0
 Raffia Light Grey#cbd9d8
 Rainy Grey#a5a5a5
 Ramadi Grey#b7a9ac
 Rare Grey#a6a69b
 Raven Grey#6f747b
 Red Grey#99686a
 Reddish Grey#997570
 Regent Grey#798488
 Repose Grey#ccc9c0
 Requisite Grey#b9b2a9
 Reversed Grey#080808
 Royal Grey#698396
 Roycroft Mist Grey#c2bdb1
 Ruby Grey#73525c
 Ruggero Grey#484435
 Rushmore Grey#b7b2a6
 Russ Grey#547588
 Sabionando Grey#455859
 Sabiseiji Grey#898a74
 Sage Green Grey#69796a
 Sage Grey#9ea49d
 Sail Grey#cabaa4
 Salmon Grey#e3b6aa
 Sandstone Grey#857266
 Sandstone Red Grey#886e70
 Santas Grey#9fa0b1
 Saruk Grey#817265
 Saturn Grey#b8b19f
 Screed Grey#9a908a
 Sea Haze Grey#cbd9d4
 Seagull Grey#d9d9d2
 Seal Grey#8a9098
 Seaplane Grey#3a3f41
 Seared Grey#495157
 Sedate Grey#d1cdbf
 Sensuous Grey#837d7f
 Sephiroth Grey#8c92ac
 Serious Grey#cec9c7
 Seryi Grey#9ca9ad
 Shadow Grey#b09691
 Shady Grey#849292
 Shaker Grey#6c6556
 Shale Grey#899da3
 Sharp Grey#c9cad1
 Sheffield Grey#6b7680
 Ship Grey#3e3a44
 Shutter Grey#797f7d
 Shuttle Grey#61666b
 Sidewalk Grey#7b8f99
 Signal Grey#838684
 Silk Crepe Grey#354e4b
 Silver Grey#a8a8a4
 Silver Linden Grey#859382
 Sky Grey#b6c3c1
 Slaanesh Grey#dbd5e6
 Slate Grey#59656d
 Smoke Grey#cebaa8
 Sombre Grey#555470
 Space Grey#110022
 Space Wolves Grey#dae6ef
 Spacious Grey#877d75
 Spalding Grey#8d7f75
 Spanish Grey#989898
 Special Grey#7b787d
 Spinel Grey#6a5662
 Spring Grey#c5c6b3
 Steel Blue Grey#436175
 Steel Grey#43464b
 Steely Grey#90979b
 Steeple Grey#827e7c
 Still Grey#aba9a0
 Stingray Grey#b0aba3
 Stone Grey#9f9484
 Stonewall Grey#c1c1c1
 Storm Grey#717486
 Stormy Grey#7d7b7c
 Stormy Strait Grey#6b8ba4
 Sturgis Grey#57544d
 Su-Nezumi Grey#9fa0a0
 Suave Grey#d1d8dd
 Submarine Grey#4d585c
 Suede Grey#857f7a
 Supreme Grey#86949f
 Suva Grey#888387
 Suzu Grey#9ea1a3
 Swanky Grey#b5b1b5
 Tank Grey#848481
 Tankard Grey#7d7463
 Taupe Grey#8b8589
 Tempered Grey#a1aeb1
 Tern Grey#d5cdbd
 The Fang Grey#436174
 Thistle Grey#c0b6a8
 Thunder Grey#57534c
 Titanium Grey#545b62
 Titmouse Grey#b8b2be
 Toasty Grey#d1ccc0
 Tol Barad Grey#4e4851
 Tombstone Grey#cec5b6
 Touch of Grey#d1cfca
 Tower Grey#9caca5
 Traditional Grey#c7c7c1
 Trolley Grey#818181
 Tulle Grey#8d9098
 Turquoise Grey#b4cecf
 Tusi Grey#9996b3
 Twilight Grey#d1d6d6
 Ulthuan Grey#c7e0d9
 Ultimate Grey#a9a8a9
 Uncertain Grey#a9b0b1
 Uniform Green Grey#5f7b7e
 Uniform Grey#a8a8a8
 Unique Grey#cbc9c9
 Unusual Grey#a3a7a0
 Urban Grey#cacacc
 Vaporous Grey#d8d6ce
 Vehicle Body Grey#4c433d
 Velvet Green Grey#737866
 Velvet Grey#acaab3
 Viola Grey#8c6897
 Viola Ice Grey#c6c8d0
 Voysey Grey#9a937f
 Wafting Grey#cdbdba
 Waikawa Grey#5b6e91
 Warm Grey#978a84
 Warpfiend Grey#6b6a74
 Wells Grey#b9b5a4
 Westchester Grey#797978
 Whale Grey#59676b
 Whisper Grey#e9e5da
 Whitecap Grey#dbd0bc
 Whomp Grey#bec1cf
 Wildcat Grey#f5eec0
 Wilderness Grey#c2baa8
 Willow Grey#817b69
 Window Grey#989ea1
 Windsor Grey#626066
 Winsome Grey#e7e9e4
 Winter Could Grey#6e7a7c
 Wizard Grey#525e68
 Worldly Grey#cec6bf
 Yellowish Grey#edeeda
 Zinc Grey#655b55
 Zircon Grey#807473

See also