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Color names

List of colors: page 29

 In the Dark#3b3c41
 In the Hills#aea69b
 In the Moment#859893
 In the Navy#283849
 In the Pink#f4c4d0
 In the Red#ff2233
 In the Shadows#cbc4c0
 In The Slip#e2c3cf
 In the Spotlight#ede6ed
 In the Tropics#a3bc3a
 In the Twilight#84838e
 In the Vines#5c457b
 In the Woods#72786f
 Inca Gold#aa6d28
 Inca Temple#8c7b6c
 Inca Yellow#ffd301
 Incan Treasure#f9ddc4
 Incense Cedar#65644a
 Incredible White#e3ded7
 Incremental Blue#123456
 Incubation Red#da1d38
 Incubi Darkness#0b474a
 Independent Gold#d2ba83
 India Blue#008a8e
 India Green#138808
 India Ink#3c3d4c
 India Trade#e0a362
 Indian Brass#a5823d
 Indian Clay#f2d0c0
 Indian Dance#f49476
 Indian Fig#54332e
 Indian Green#91955f
 Indian Ink#3c3f4a
 Indian Khaki#d3b09c
 Indian Lake#cc1a97
 Indian Maize#e4c14d
 Indian Mesa#d5a193
 Indian Muslin#eae3d8
 Indian Ocean#86b7a1
 Indian Paintbrush#fa9761
 Indian Pale Ale#d5bc26
 Indian Peafowl#0044aa
 Indian Pink#ad5b78
 Indian Princess#da846d
 Indian Red#850e04
 Indian Reed#9f7060
 Indian Saffron#ff9933
 Indian Silk#8a5773
 Indian Spice#ae8845
 Indian Summer#a85143
 Indian Sunset#d98a7d
 Indian Teal#3c586b
 Indian White#efdac2
 Indian Yellow#e3a857
 Indiana Clay#e88a5b
 Indigo Batik#4467a7
 Indigo Black#002e51
 Indigo Blue#3a18b1
 Indigo Bunting#006ca9
 Indigo Carmine#006ec7
 Indigo Child#a09fcc
 Indigo Dye#00416c
 Indigo Hamlet#1f4788
 Indigo Ink#474a4d
 Indigo Ink Brown#393432
 Indigo Iron#393f4c
 Indigo Light#5d76cb
 Indigo Mouse#6c848d
 Indigo Navy Blue#4c5e87
 Indigo Night#324680
 Indigo Purple#660099
 Indigo Red#695a78
 Indigo Sloth#1f0954
 Indigo White#ebf6f7
 Individual White#d4cdca
 Indiviolet Sunset#6611aa
 Indocile Tiger#b96b00
 Indonesian Jungle#008c69
 Indonesian Rattan#d1b272
 Indubitably Green#729e42
 Indulgent Mocha#d1c5b7
 Industrial Age#aeadad
 Industrial Black#322b26
 Industrial Blue#00898c
 Industrial Green#114400
 Industrial Grey#5b5a57
 Industrial Revolution#737373
 Industrial Rose#e09887
 Industrial Strength#877a65
 Industrial Turquoise#008a70
 Ineffable Forest#4f9153
 Ineffable Green#63f7b4
 Ineffable Ice Cap#caede4
 Ineffable Linen#e6e1c7
 Ineffable Magenta#cc99cc
 Inescapable Lover#820e3b
 Infectious Love#bb1177
 Inferno Orange#ff4400
 Infinite Deep Sea#435a6f
 Infinite Night#071037
 Infinitesimal Blue#bddde1
 Infinitesimal Green#d7e4cc
 Infinity and Beyond#6e7e99
 Infinity Pool#94d4e4
 Informal Ivory#f1e7d0
 Informative Pink#fe85ab
 Infrared Burn#dd3333
 Infrared Flush#cc3344
 Infrared Gloze#cc3355
 Infrared Tang#dd2244
 Ingénue Blue#334c5d
 Inglenook Olive#aaa380
 Ink Black#252024
 Ink Blotch#00608b
 Ink Blue#0c5a77
 Inked Silk#d9dce4
 Inky Blue#4e7287
 Inky Storm#535266
 Inky Violet#747b9f
 Inland Waters#7c939d
 Inlet Harbor#3f586e
 Inner Cervela#bbaa7e
 Inner Child#f1bdb2
 Inner Journey#6d69a1
 Inner Sanctum#78a6b5
 Inner Space#285b5f
 Inner Touch#bbafba
 Inness Sage#959272
 Innisfree Garden#229900
 Innocent Blue#91b3d0
 Innocent Pink#856f79
 Innocent Snowdrop#d0c7ff
 Inoffensive Blue#114477
 Inside Passage#e0cfb5
 Insightful Rose#c9b0ab
 Insignia Blue#313f58
 Insignia White#ecf3f9
 Insomniac Blue#110077
 Inspiration Peak#4fa183
 Inspired Lilac#dfd9e4
 Instant Classic#e3dac6
 Instant Noodles#f4d493
 Instant Orange#ff8d28
 Instant Relief#ede7d2
 Intellectual Grey#a8a093
 Intense Brown#7f5400
 Intense Green#123328
 Intense Jade#68c89d
 Intense Mauve#682d63
 Intense Passion#df3163
 Intense Purple#4d4a6f
 Intense Teal#00978c
 Intense Yellow#e19c35
 Interactive Cream#e4caad
 Intercoastal Grey#a8b5bc
 Interdimensional Blue#360ccc
 Interdimensional Portal#d6e6e6
 Interesting Aqua#9bafb2
 Interface Tan#c1a392
 Intergalactic Blue#afe0ef
 Intergalactic Cowboy#222266
 Intergalactic Highway#273287
 Intergalactic Ray#573935
 Intergalactic Settlement#5b1e8b
 Interior Green#536437
 Intermediate Blue#56626e
 Intermediate Green#137730
 International Blue#002fa7
 International Klein Blue#002fa6
 International Orange#ba160c
 Interstellar Blue#001155
 Intimate Journal#ccbb99
 Intimate White#f0e1d8
 Into the Blue#4f7ba7
 Into the Green#0d6c49
 Into the Night#1e3642
 Into the Stratosphere#425267
 Intrepid Grey#e0e2e0
 Intricate Ivory#edddca
 Intrigue Red#b24648
 Inuit Blue#d8e4e7
 Inuit Ice#c2bdc2
 Inuit White#d1cdd0
 Invasive Indigo#49017e
 Inventive Orange#e89d6f
 Inverness Grey#dce3e2
 Invitation Gold#a6773f
 Inviting Gesture#cdc29d
 Inviting Ivory#f2d5b0
 Inviting Veranda#b9c4bc
 Ionic Ivory#e7dfc5
 Ionic Sky#d0ede9
 Ionized-air Glow#55ddff
 Iqaluit Ice#93cfe3
 Ireland Green#006c2e
 Iridescent Green#48c072
 Iridescent Peacock#00707d
 Iridescent Purple#966fd6
 Iridescent Red#cc4e5c
 Iridescent Turquoise#7bfdc7
 Iris Bloom#5b649e
 Iris Blue#03b4c8
 Iris Eyes#767694
 Iris Ice#e0e3ef
 Iris Isle#e8e5ec
 Iris Mauve#b39b94
 Iris Orchid#a767a2
 Iris Petal#6b6273
 Iris Pink#cab9be
 Irish Beauty#007f59
 Irish Charm#69905b
 Irish Clover#53734c
 Irish Coffee#62422b
 Irish Cream#e9dbbe
 Irish Folklore#d3e3bf
 Irish Green#019529
 Irish Hedge#7cb386
 Irish Jig#66cc11
 Irish Linen#eee4e0
 Irish Mist#e7e5db
 Irish Moor#b5c0b3
 Irish Spring#90cca3
 Irogon Blue#9dacb5
 Iron Blue#114b91
 Iron Creek#50676b
 Iron Earth#8aa1a6
 Iron Fist#cbcdcd
 Iron Fixture#5d5b5b
 Iron Flint#6e3b31
 Iron Forge#475a5e
 Iron Gate#585a60
 Iron Grey#7c7f7c
 Iron Head#344d56
 Iron Maiden#d6d1dc
 Iron Mountain#757574
 Iron Orange#e7661e
 Iron Ore#af5b46
 Iron Oxide#835949
 Iron River#4d504b
 Iron Teal#114e56
 Iron Wood#a0a6a8
 Ironbreaker Metal#a1a6a9
 Ironside Grey#706e66
 Irradiant Iris#dadee6
 Irradiated Green#aaff55
 Irresistible Beige#e6ddc6
 Irrigo Purple#9955ff
 Irritated Ibis#ee1122
 Is It Cold#0022ff
 Isabella’s Aqua#9bd8c4
 Islamic Green#009900
 Island Aqua#2bb9af
 Island Breeze#8adacf
 Island Coral#d8877a
 Island Dream#139ba2
 Island Embrace#ded9b4
 Island Girl#ffb59a
 Island Green#2bae66
 Island Hopping#f6e3d6
 Island Light#a7c9eb
 Island Lush#008292
 Island Moment#3fb2a8
 Island Monkey#ad4e1a
 Island Oasis#88d9d8
 Island Palm#6c7e71
 Island Paradise#8ddee1
 Island Sea#81d7d0
 Island Spice#f8eddb
 Island View#c3ddee
 Isle of Capri#0099c9
 Isle of Dreams#bcccb5
 Isle of Pines#3e6655
 Isle of Sand#f9dd13
 Isle Royale#80d7cf
 Isn’t It Just Peachy#ffb278
 Isotonic Water#ddff55
 It Works#af8a5b
 It’s a Girl!#ffdae2
 It’s My Party#cc7365
 It’s Your Mauve#bc989e
 Italian Basil#5f6957
 Italian Buckthorn#6b8c23
 Italian Clay#d79979
 Italian Fitch#d0c8e6
 Italian Grape#413d4b
 Italian Ice#e2e0d3
 Italian Lace#ede9d4
 Italian Mocha#93685a
 Italian Olive#807243
 Italian Plum#59354a
 Italian Roast#221111
 Italian Sky Blue#b2fcff
 Italian Straw#e7d3a1
 Italian Villa#ad5d5d
 Italiano Rose#d16169
 Ivalo River#cce5e8
 Ivory Buff#ebd999
 Ivory Charm#fff6da
 Ivory Coast#faf5de
 Ivory Cream#d5b89c
 Ivory Invitation#fcefd6
 Ivory Keys#f8f7e6
 Ivory Lace#ece2cc
 Ivory Lashes#e6e6d8
 Ivory Memories#e6ddcd
 Ivory Mist#efeade
 Ivory Oats#f9e4c1
 Ivory Palace#eeeadc
 Ivory Paper#e6deca
 Ivory Parchment#efe3ca
 Ivory Ridge#d9c9b8
 Ivory Steam#f0eada
 Ivory Stone#eee1cc
 Ivory Tassel#f8ead8
 Ivory Tower#fbf3f1
 Ivory Wedding#edede4
 Ivy Enchantment#93a272
 Ivy Garden#818068
 Ivy Green#585442
 Ivy League#007958
 Ivy Topiary#67614f
 Ivy Wreath#708d76
 Iwai Brown#6b6f59
 Iwaicha Brown#5e5545
 Iyanden Darksun#a59a59
 Izmir Pink#ceb0b5
 Izmir Purple#4d426e
 J’s Big Heart#a06856
 Jabłoński Brown#ad6d68
 Jabłoński Grey#536871
 Jacaranda Jazz#6c70a9
 Jacaranda Light#a8acb7
 Jacaranda Pink#c760ff
 Jacey’s Favorite#bcaccd
 Jack and Coke#920f0e
 Jack Bone#869f69
 Jack Frost#dae6e3
 Jack Rabbit#c0b2b1
 Jacko Bean#413628
 Jackson Antique#c3bda9
 Jacksons Purple#3d3f7d
 Jacobean Lace#e4ccb0
 Jade Bracelet#c2d7ad
 Jade Cream#59b587
 Jade Dragon#6aa193
 Jade Dust#ceddda
 Jade Glass#00ced1
 Jade Gravel#0abab5
 Jade Green#779977
 Jade Jewel#247e81
 Jade Light Green#c1cab7
 Jade Lime#9dca7b
 Jade Mist#d6e9d7
 Jade Mountain#34c2a7
 Jade Mussel Green#166a45
 Jade of Emeralds#318f33
 Jade Orchid#00aaaa
 Jade Powder#2baf6a
 Jade Sea#b8e0d0
 Jade Shard#017b92
 Jade Spell#c1e5d5
 Jade Stone Green#74bb83
 Jade Tinge#bbccbc
 Jaded Clouds#aeddd3
 Jaded Ginger#cc7766
 Jaffa Orange#d87839
 Jagged Ice#cae7e2
 Jaguar Rose#f1b3b6
 Jaipur Pink#d0417e
 Jakarta Skyline#3d325d
 Jalapeño Bouquet#576648
 Jalapeño Red#c01141
 Jam Session#d4cfd6
 Jama Masjid Taupe#b38b6d
 Jamaica Bay#95cbc4

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